WFCC 2021 Workshops
Invited Keynote Speakers
Andrei V. Tchouvelev, PhD
ISO/TC 197 Hydrogen Technologies, Chair
IAHE Hydrogen Safety Division, President
A.V. Tchouvelev & Associates, President & CEO
Presentation Title
Hydrogen Safety Best Practices
Rapidly emerging hydrogen economy opens a number of new frontiers for hydrogen energy technologies and presents challenges for both safety and standardization caused by the fast paced 4th Industrial Revolution. The focus of this 45-min keynote lecture + 15 min Q&A will be to review the broad spectrum of hydrogen safety related topics such as:
Behavior and properties, flammability and combustion;
HP storage, installations, fueling;
Highlight safety and risk concepts and QRA;
Hazardous areas and safety distances, safety standards;
Fuel cell related risks and safety measures/considerations.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Tchouvelev has over 37 years of experience in the field of hydrogen energy and technology. His professional activities focus on research and consulting in the field of risk management, hydrogen safety and codes & standards. Dr. Tchouvelev serves as the chair of ISO/TC 197 Hydrogen Technologies. He is also President of IAHE Hydrogen Safety Division and a member of the Regulations, Codes & Standards and Safety Working Group of the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE RCSS WG) representing Canada. Dr. Tchouvelev has numerous journal and conference publications on various aspects of hydrogen field including risk-informed approach, risk assessment, safety distances, hazardous areas, CFD modeling and water electrolysis. He recently co-authored a chapter on Regulatory Framework, Safety Aspects and Social Acceptance of Hydrogen Energy Technologies in the book “Science and Engineering of Hydrogen-Based Energy Technologies” (Elsevier, Academic Press, 2018). In June 2018 Dr. Tchouvelev was awarded IAHE Jules Verne Award for his distinguished carrier in hydrogen energy technology including chairing ISO/TC 197.
Short Biography
Dr. Tchouvelev has over 37 years of experience in the field of hydrogen energy and technology.
Dr. Tchouvelev is President & CEO of A.V. Tchouvelev & Associates Inc. and AVT Research Inc., small research and consulting companies in the field of risk management, hydrogen safety and codes & standards.
Prior to that (1995-2005) he worked as executive vice president, operations and vice president, programs, international compliance and codes & standards at Electrolyser Corp. and Stuart Energy Inc., Toronto, Ontario.
Dr. Tchouvelev is a co-founder and principal investigator (since 2003) of Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program under Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), where he has successfully led and participated in a number of diverse research projects related to hydrogen safety and development of evidence-based requirements for codes & standards.
Dr. Tchouvelev serves as the chair of ISO/TC 197, a technical committee of the International Organization for Standardization that develops international standards for hydrogen technologies.
Dr. Tchouvelev also serves as the Chair of BNQ Technical Committee on Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code.
Dr. Tchouvelev served as Managing Director of NSERC Hydrogen Canada (H2CAN) Strategic Research Network between 2009-2014. He also served as a member of the Executive Committee of the IEA Hydrogen (2013-2018).
Dr. Tchouvelev led international hydrogen safety community serving as President of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe) between 2011-2015. He now serves as Past President & Honorary Member of HySafe.
Dr. Tchouvelev also serves as the President of Hydrogen Safety Division of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) and is an Ex-Officio member of IAHE Board of Directors.
Dr. Tchouvelev is also a member of the RCSS (Regulations, Codes and Standards, and Safety) WG of IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy) representing Canada. In 2019 Dr. Tchouvelev also served on PNNL (US DOE) Hydrogen Safety Panel.
Dr. Tchouvelev is a member of CSA Group Hydrogen Transportation Technical Committee where he contributed to the development of bi-national standards (Canada-USA) on key requirements for hydrogen fueling.
Dr. Tchouvelev is also a member of the CSA Group Pressure Terminology Coordination Task Force and Technical Committee on Electrically Powered Machines for use in underground mines.
Memorial medals of the Russian National Hydrogen Energy Association for Achievements in developing hydrogen technologies (2013 and 2018).
HySafe “Integration Prize” and Award in recognition of outstanding leadership and tireless commitment to HySafe and ICHS (2015).
IAHE Jules Verne Award for Superior Service and contributions to hydrogen energy (2018).
Dr. Tchouvelev has numerous journal and conference publications on various aspects of hydrogen field including risk-informed approach, risk assessment, safety distances, hazardous areas, CFD modeling and water electrolysis. He recently co-authored a chapter on Regulatory Framework, Safety Aspects and Social Acceptance of Hydrogen Energy Technologies in the book “Science and Engineering of Hydrogen-Based Energy Technologies” (Elsevier, Academic Press, 2018).