World Fuel Cell Conference 2025
July 9-12, 2025, Hong Kong, China
Conference Objectives
The 2025 World Fuel Cell Conference (WFCC) is a multi-disciplinary conference that covers the latest developments and advancements in fuel cells, hydrogen energy and the inter-connection, from fundamentals, to advanced materials, advanced characterization techniques, engineering designs, system integration, and applications. It will provide an excellent platform for scientists, engineers, industrial practitioners, and governmental policy makers to exchange ideas and seek collaborations on the development and applications of fuel cells, hydrogen energy, and the inter-connection.
The conference will be held at Hong Kong, China.
Conference Format
Plenary/keynote presentations by invited speakers
General contributed abstracts presented orally in technical sessions and/or by posters
Tutorials about fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies by invited leading researchers
Abstract/Paper Submission
Only abstracts are needed for presentation at the 2025 WFCC.
Based on the oral and/or poster presentations, the conference organizing committee will shortlist abstracts for full paper submission for special issues of peer-reviewed international journals.
WFCC welcomes abstracts in all areas of fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies, including but not limited to:
Theme 1: Fuel Cells
Fuel cell materials, components, cells, stacks, and systems
Modeling and optimization: materials, cells, stacks, and systems
Testing, characterization, and diagnostics of fuel cells
Applications of fuel cells: mobile, stationary, portable, specials
Theme 2: Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Hydrogen production: electrolysis (AWE, PEMEC, SOEC, PCEC, etc.), reforming, thermochemical cycles, photocatalysis, biological processes, and other potential technologies for hydrogen production
Hydrogen storage: compressed gas, liquid hydrogen storage, metal hydride, containers, ammonia
Hydrogen transportation and hydrogen infrastructure
Theme 3: Inter-connection
Hydrogen economy: BEV vs. FCEV, Hybrids
On board hydrogen storage
Life cycle analysis: round trip efficiency of hydrogen & electricity generation, environmental impact assessment
AI for fuel cells and hydrogen energy
Renewable energy resource coupling: SOFC-SOEC, PEMFC-PEMEC etc.
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 March 2025
Deadline for early bird registration: 30 April 2025
Deadline for regular registration: 31 May 2025
Best Presentation Awards (excluding plenary/keynote presentations)
Best Poster Awards
3 Minutes Thesis (3MT) Competition