WFCC 2021 Plenary Speakers

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Shigeki Hasegawa

Project Manager

Fuel Cell System Evaluation & Analysis Dept.

Fuel Cell System Engineering & Development Div.


1, Toyota-cho Toyota, Aichi, 471-8571 Japan

Email :

TEL : +81-50-3166-0523

Presentation Title

Physical Modeling of Fuel Cell System and Application to Product System and Control Development


1D physical modeling methods of fuel cell stack and balance of plants (air-supply system, H2-supply system and cooling system) is investigated. To ensure simulation of life-long system operation in permissible calculation time and accuracy, proper resolution of modeling methods is chosen and in-house high-speed numerical solvers are developed.

This model is validated by actual fuel cell system data gathered in a variety of operating conditions (low to high loads, operating temperatures and ambient pressures). High accuracy is confirmed across these conditions. With proper resolution of modeling methods and high-speed numerical solvers, the model executes approximately 30 times faster than real time.

In addition to serving as a fuel cell system simulator, the same modeling and numerical methods are introduced to control software implemented in a production engine control unit (ECU) for fuel cell system control. These models run in real-time and act as ‘virtual sensors’ with which any state variables at any components can be measured and used for on-board calculations. Based on these estimated state variables, simple and high-accuracy feed-forward controllers are developed to improve control response and reduce controller calibration effort.

Finally, the future target of a model-based development process is discussed, in which a combination of 1D and 3D-CFD/FEM based fuel cell system models are utilized as a fundamental piece of the overall development process.

Biographical Sketch

Specialized Fields

- Chemical Engineering

- Electrochemistry

- Computational Analysis


- 2002: B.A. in Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University

- 2004: M.S in Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto

University Experience (TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION)

- 2004-2013: Fuel Cell Stack Component Development for Advance System

- 2012-2014: Fuel Cell System and Controller Development for Advance System

- 2015-Present: Fuel Cell System and Controller Development for Product System