Instructions for Registration

Registration Fee:

Regular: USD $ 550 (before July 25, 2019), USD $ 650 (after July 25, 2019)

Student: USD $ 400 (before July 25, 2019), USD $ 450 (after July 25, 2019)


Please leave a note of “WFCC2019 registration fee + Paper ID (if any) + Your name” when you proceed the payment

For international participants:

Beneficiary Name:Shanghai Zijian Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:Room 6108, Building 5, No. 951 Jianchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai,China

Tel: 86-21-54742894

USD Account:3105 0178 3600 0000 3072

Bank Name:China Construction Bank

Branch Name:Shanghai Branch Minhang Sub-branch


Bank Address:No.6555 Humin Road, Shanghai China

For Chinese participants: 


RMB Account:31001667111052501979

Branch Name:Shanghai Branch Zizhu Sub-branch (建行上海紫竹支行)

Alternative way of payment for Chinese participants:

You can also pay with Alipay.


Any questions regarding the registrations or payment process, please contact Dr. Lingyu Li ( or Dr. Haiying Che (

Invoice Request:

If you need the invoice for the reimbursement of the registration fee, please send your request to Dr. Limiao Yuan ( and please indicate the detailed requirements from your institution.

Registration via email after payment:

To complete your registration, please send an email to the conference at including the following information:

o Your name and affiliation

o Manuscript ID (if applicable)

o The proof of payment (e.g., invoice): a picture or screenshot indicating the amount and date of the payment