WFCC 2025 Invited Speakers

Note: all speakers are listed in order of surname.

Speaker details can be accessed by clicking on the presentation topic

Plenary Speakers

Kucernak, Anthony R J

Imperial College of London, England

Department of Chemistry - Faculty of Natural Sciences

John Irvine

University of St Andrews, Scotland

Kui Jiao

Tianjin University, China

School of Mechanical Engineering

Peter Pintauro

Vanderbilt University, United States

School of Engineering

Zhigang Shao

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Zongping Shao

Curtin University, Australia

Presentation Title: A semi-vapor electrolysis technology for efficient hydrogen

generation from untreated water

Yunan Wang

Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, China


Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan

Keynote Speakers

Takuto Araki

Yokohama National University, Japan

Yun Wang

UC Irvine, United States

Presentation Title: Modeling Reversible Fuel Cells of High Round-Trip Efficiency

Shangfeng Du

School of Chemical, University of Birmingham, UK

Presentation Title: Hydrogen crossover for differential pressure PEM water


SU, Pei-Chen

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological

University, Singapore

Presentation Title: Surface Modification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes for

Performance and Stability

Gang Wu

Washington University in St. Louis, United States

Presentation Title: Single Metal Site Catalysts for PEM Fuel Cells

Youjun Lu

State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong


Presentation Title: Integrated Hydrogen Production and Storage through Thermal -

Electrical Coupling

Invited Speakers

Yang Wang

Chongqing University

Presentation Title: Trans-scale Modeling of electrochemical CO2 Reduction

Zhiqiang Niu

Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University,


Presentation Title: Generative AI in Green Hydrogen: Innovations and Opportunities

Keqing Zheng

China University of Mining and Technology

Presentation Title: A Two-Stage SOFC System for Methane Power Generation with

Carbon Capture

He Miao

Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, PR China

Presentation Title: Multi-component Ni-based alloys prepared by electrodeposition

and their alkaline water electrolysis performances

Jie YU

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Presentation Title: Structural regulation and performance optimization of energy-

related catalytic materials

Wenshuo Xu

University of Cambridge, UK

Presentation Title: Synthesis and Catalysis of Emerging 2D Materials

Yuefeng Song

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Presentation Title: High-temperature Electrocatalysis in Solid Oxide Electrolysis


Zhipeng Li

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Presentation Title: SOFC-From Material Research to Industrial Manufacture

Farrukh Khalid

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Presentation Title: High-Temperature Electrolysis for Hydrogen and Other Value-

Added Products

SHI Xingyi

City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan)

Presentation Title: Operation of an Energizing Liquid Fuel Cell in Sub-Zero
